1. What information/knowledge does your sport club need for integrating newly arrived migrants (NAMs)?

2. Does the project have the right focus and address the relevant challenges/problems regarding the integration of newly arrived migrants?

17 Kommentare

Vladimir Ninkovic - Serbian Cricket Federation · Dezember 9, 2020 um 10:26 am

As a sports association that is involved in work with the migrants, we would appreciate more proactive communication from the government institutions about the available programs and resources that we would be able to utilize.
Yes. However, in a transit country like Serbia we face a different set of challenges. First of all, the NAMs here are either housed in the asylum centres or they stay illegally on the streets and public spaces close to transport links (railway and bus stations). There is a negligible number of them who decide to remain in Serbia, and genuinely enter the process of obtaining the ‚papers‘. Thus, we do not have the same issues like the ‚end countries‘ to which the NAMs arrive and see their future in. Here we are dealing with people who stay with us for a short period of time, and we can mainly work with them through the relevant institutions – Commissariat for refugees and migrations, UNHCR etc. and the NGOs.

Aleksa Djorovic - Mirijevo CC (Serbia) · Dezember 12, 2020 um 6:47 pm

As a sports club we depend on world-of-mouth and various government programs for involving migrants, a better advertisement and communication system would be beneficial.
I think our club can learn a lot from this program, however as a club in a transit country, we will not face the same issues and situations as end-destination countries. If the study included a particular look at situations in transit countries also, it would more directly influence our cricket club.

Ivan Civric-CC Bodrog Deers (Serbia) · Dezember 14, 2020 um 6:27 pm

More information from central and local government.

Philipp · Januar 6, 2021 um 10:22 am

1: My sports club needs more information from the government, especially the city government.
2: I think so, yes.

Martin Schwarze - Stadtsportbund Chemnitz (Germany) · Januar 10, 2021 um 9:04 pm

i think, in Germany the questions of membership fees and insurance for NAMS should be clarified.

Marco Gensmüller - TV Jahn Kapellen (Germany) · Januar 11, 2021 um 10:27 am

As an association, we are in close contact with the city and can therefore specifically address migrants and offer our services. One obstacle at the beginning is certainly the language barrier.

Martina Braun · Januar 11, 2021 um 1:07 pm

I think it need a good networking to reach the migrants. and it need support for non profit sport clubs.

Mareike Petersen · Januar 11, 2021 um 8:56 pm

1) what do clubs have to consider concerning bureaucracy , how to address and get in contact (language, culture) , what are their needs
2) nothing to add

NOC Serbia · Januar 12, 2021 um 12:59 pm

It would be beneficial for us to get additional knowledge as best practices.
Some procedures, guidance. In our country all sports activities for migrants/refugees are going through local refugee centers. Migrants usually don’t have direct communication with local sports clubs. Also they are not interested in participating in the local clubs, because our country for them is not a final destination its just a transit zone on their journey to European Union.
They are not interested in staying here, because as mentioned before, we are not their main goal. It should be known how to educate locals when it comes to their relation with refugees. There is needed to have a model how to include locals as well as local sports clubs. All conflicts should be on a minimum or even better without any kind of conflicts. In our case, the biggest problem is, most of local clubs are private ones, staff Is paid. In other countries this is not the case.
Regarding to that, local clubs are not very interested when it comes to inclusion. They don’t have any kind of benefit.

Robert B. - UHC Sparkasse Weißenfels · Januar 17, 2021 um 4:20 pm

1: I think my club needs informations how to get in contact with newly arrived migrants.
2: Yes.

Henning Seemann · Januar 19, 2021 um 5:49 pm

I am not sure. I hope that your project and the results give me an imagination about what we really need to integrate NAMs. I look forward to best practice examples and/or success stories.
Sorry, I don’t know. We will see.

Lillemor Lindell · Januar 20, 2021 um 4:00 pm

Based on RF’s multi-year work in tntegration anc inclusion, follow-up work and published research, we can say that the sportsclubs demand both guiding strategic and in the area of ​​knowledge-enhancing information / knowledge. At the same time, tips on practical solutions, and examples of forms of activity are sought on an ongoing basis in step with the lokal clubs work.
In the recent works in Sweden, we have chosen not only to have the perspective integration linked to migration instead we work with sports norms, masculinity and the whole inclusion perspective as we see that the intersectional perspective is important in sustainable and long-term solutions and changes.

Clare Hanlon · Januar 31, 2021 um 2:01 am

Q.1: Connection with respective community leaders and groups, practical tips and good practice case studies
Q.2: At this stage – yes

Sabine Landau - DOSB · Februar 11, 2021 um 2:54 pm

Question 1: how can you approach the target group? What kind of offers does it need to make them participate (men, women, kids…)? How can you include them in the process of creating a sport portfolio that they are interested in? What does it need for sport clubs to engage in that field (information, support, knowledge of diversity matters…), what support is needed from the umbrella organisations?

Magnus Ferrty · Februar 19, 2021 um 9:41 am

Our sport club have no knowledge at the moment. However, I think the major question it how to get the club interrested in integrating NAMs , how do we interest all voluntary involved to do this
From my point of view I think so.

Lars Espedalen · Februar 22, 2021 um 2:33 pm

The project looks comprehensive in its scope. I believe it is important to stay with the multi-level approach that seems to be emphasized here.

Rune Solberg · Februar 24, 2021 um 11:11 pm

The issue must be in participation with all local clubs and local government.
I believe so.

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